Robbed Iska files for case

by Mark Kavin Salomon

A second year Mass Communication student was robbed along the Basak Elementary School last September 24.

Mary Claire Christner Catado who was waiting for her jeepney ride to Minglanilla stood along the elementary school when a man pointed a knife wrapped in a newspaper and asked  for her cell phone.
Catado resisted and the suspect attempted to slap Catado when her high school schoolmate pulled her away to safety.

The snatcher got away with Catado’s S100 black Cherry Mobile phone with the value of 3999 pesos but was later arrested when barangay tanods caught up with the suspect alias ‘Roel’ along Basak San Nicholas.

The snatcher is now detained and has to face 1 illegal possession of drugs and 3 robbery pending cases.
Catado filed a case against Roel last September 25 at the Municipal Trial Court in Cities in Cebu.

“I will stand up for my rights and for the other victims,” she said.

Catado stated the ordeal as traumatic but she hopes to recover from the incident soon,

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