FA students hope for more rooms

By Dhen Generalao

The lack of a teaching faculty, classrooms and facilities are the just one of the main issues faced by every student in the university.

This problem is particularly relevant to Studio Arts and Product Design students who often have an in school overnight stay.

According to product design student Riva de los Reyes the growing population of the fine arts students needs to be addressed by providing more rooms to accommodate their art works.

“We need enough space to place our works since our lockers are too small because create artworks which is difficult to transfer from room to room,” she said.

Aprille Galgo, a third year Fine Arts Student Representative calls for a higher state subsidy to the address the school’s needs especially in the FA department.

“Even Studio Arts Teachers are forced to teach product design subjects because of lack of Fine Arts teachers,” stated Galgo on the current plight of the FA department.

According to Galgo the available rooms designated for fine arts students as workshop and make shift studio only holds a minimum capacity that does not equal with the population of the students intending to use the room.

The new Fine Arts executive committee pushes for the fight of higher state subsidy in the beginning of the semester.

We have already discussed this issue in our Executive Committee meetings. However, our actions aren’t enough because we have to inform everybody about the issues all the department faces,” Galgo said.

According to Galgo the FA executive committee is coordinating with the administration and the Arts and Humanities cluster to help them solve the issue

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