5-peat victory for the bullets

By Mark Kavin Salomon
Jesus Codeniera warms up before the game. Photo by Avrie German
The Artscomm Bullets softball men retained its championship title during the University of the Philippines Cebu Intramurals 2013 held last August 27-30, making it a five-peat victory. The Bullets won over the Management Tycoons with a 9 point difference in their scores.
The Bullets have been champs for five straight years in the softball men category.“I am very happy and proud for the team because we remained being champions for 5 years now," said team captain Wyndelle Remonde.
According to Gelo Arcaya, a team player, their main purpose in playing is to have fun. He also said that winning is just a bonus for them.
Wala man kaayo mi preparations gyud, pero magpakalingaw man gud mi inig duwa, mao nay nakalahi namo sa uban teams (We don't really have preparations, but we have fun while playing, that's what makes us different from the other teams),” said Ed Lazarraga, a team player.
The champions gave some advice to the next year’s new set of softball players for Arts and Humanities Cluster. Lazarraga said that next year’s new players should get along with them to build rapport with the team.
"I wish them good luck. They can do it. I’m hoping that they will still be the champion, ” added Remonde.
The other players who contributed to the success of the game were Leonard Gubat, Jesus Codiniera, Eliazar Enerio,Sebastian Penayes, Raul Bubuli, Gabino Duazo. 

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