Bullets goes old school

By Regil Cadavos

The Bullets goes back to the '70's. Photo by: Erika Palmera
This year's intramural week was filled with new activities and surprises, one of which was the 70's inspired basketball uniform of the Artscomm Bullets men.

            Each of the member wore a white tank top, tucked in a green short with a length just above the knee, paired with shin-high socks. Some of them wore headbands to capture the whole look.

            According to Gerald Pongase, an alumnus and the team's coach, they were inspired with the old-school look and decided to pursue the idea during this year's intramural. “Kang Gelo ug Wyndelle jud to na idea, last year pa to gi-plano pero wala nalahos kay wala nangabot ang jerseys (It was actually Gelo and Wyndelle's idea, it was last year's plan but the jerseys didn't arrive on time),” Pongase said.

            Wyndelle Remonde, who helped pushed through with the idea, said that it was already difficult for them to win the games since their line up was incomplete, so they might as well wear something unusual to make the games more fun.

             “Ganahan mi nga funny and unusual ang theme sa among team, ug para malingaw mi as well as ang mutan-aw (We wanted a funny and unusual theme for our team, and also it would be fun for us, as well as the spectators),” Remonde added.

            France Degamo from the Management Tycoons commented, “it was classic and creative. Probably placed them in the spotlight during the game.” Nicole Sevilla from the Socsci Stallions shared the same sentiments. “They brought the fun in the court, lingaw jud sila, grabe sila ug ideas (they were fun, they have such great ideas),” Sevilla added.

            The team's preparations included browsing through the internet regarding the look of the uniform, and going to Carbon to buy the jerseys. It was the members' effort to hand-print the team's name and respective numbers to the jerseys.

            The 70's inspired-look  was complete with sound effects played during their games courtesy of the team. The Bullets finished third in the basketball games.


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