A day with mother nature

By Christine Estrella

Mass communication students of the University of the Philippines (UP) Cebu took a day to give back to nature.

The Science, Technology and Society (STS) class set out to Inoburan, Naga south of Cebu for a mangrove planting activity last September 25.

The site which was a community cooperative project of the Silim United Mangrove Association was established on 1986 and since then became a livelihood project growing a mangrove nursery and selling propagules for fifty cents apiece.

According to STS adviser Anna Talam the mangrove planting activity was a first for the class and fits the subject description on being aware of the downside of technology and its effects on the environment.

“This activity will help preserve the environment and build a sustainable society,” said Talam.

Fourth year masscom student Araceli Adlawon recalls her previous mangrove planting as a she usually plants with ten propagules increasing to 50 with the recent activity.

“I realized the more I plant the more I can help and with teamwork we can always do something to contribute to the society in big or small amount,” she said.

3,000 propagules were planted by the Mass Communication students along with Computer Science, Biology, Management and Fine Arts students.

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