A call for celebration

Is there really a need to celebrate?

Three years ago on the 24th of September, the University of the Philippines (UP) Board of Regents raised the status of UP Cebu from a satellite campus to an autonomous unit. Because of this, UP Cebu has been given the chance to stand on its own feet and to break free from UP Visayas in Iloilo.

UP Cebu has earned its autonomy after 92 years since it was established as a junior college of liberal arts in 1918. Unlike before, UP Cebu is directly supervised by its main campus in Diliman. 

As an autonomous unit, UP Cebu now holds greater responsibility in upholding honor and excellence.  It aims to become a regional center for cultural, social and human development. Similar to a three-year old child who is learning to walk on its own feet, UP Cebu is now taking an early step towards self-governance.

As early as its third year of autonomy, developments around the campus have been visible. Shortly after Dean Liza Corro’s installation last January 2013, the beautification of the campus immediately started. Soil from the old soccer field near the Arts and Sciences building was used to landscape the rest of the campus. Benches and study kiosks, pebbles, and plants were also placed on certain areas. All these are in line of UP Cebu’s 10-point agenda, which is to focus on the campus’ physical appearance.

To further improve the quality of education, additional LCD projectors and computers were acquired and were placed in the different classrooms.

The swift improvement and apparent changes are evidences that the institution’s messages are relayed faster. For example, if we request for an extension in the enrollment deadline there wouldn’t be a need to go through the UP Visayas’ approval, but instead goes straight to the central campus.

But despite the progress of the school, it cannot be denied that UP Cebu has overcome greater obstacles, like grueling debates of local and national issues such as the case of the informal settlers, street propagandas, and walkouts.

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