Why we need motorcycle parking areas

By Olesa Arellano

Just like any other day, I decided to park my motorcycle in one of our school’s sidewalk. For the past two years, I have already been accustomed to park my motorcycle in the sidewalk along the arts and humanities cluster. To my amusement, I wasn’t allowed to park this time. It was just then did I know that the school no longer allows motorcycles to park along the sidewalk.

From a rider’s viewpoint, I find comfort in parking along the sidewalk because it keeps my motorcycle dry in case of rain. Unlike cars, motorcycles don’t have a roof, making it vulnerable to the rain. 

According to the website of the Land Transportation Office, there are over 600,000 motor vehicles registered in the year 2012. In 2006, over 5 million motorbikes were registered in the Philippines. 10 percent of those came from Region VII. The numbers are growing because of its affordability and mobility. Consequently, more people who enter the school prefer to own motorcycles already. Just like me. 

The school has physically improved because of the new administration. A number of study places have been added, and the old barren lands are now beautiful green sceneries. Markers are also placed on the parking space near the clinic. But these markers are for cars only and it is not advisable for motorbikes to park there because of the absence of a roof.

One of the school’s security guards, Jesse James Boyles, thinks that it is a great idea to have a parking area for motorbikes. He says that motorbikes should have a certain parking area in school, where security guards can easily watch over them since they can easily be stolen. 

A UP alumnus, Frances Nicole Enriquez, suggests one of the slots near the school clinic to be the ideal space. She pictures one with four posts and a roof to protect from the rain. This way, the sidewalks will be cleared of motorcycles and the new school scenery will be even more beautiful.

I feel bad for those whose walking spaces are blocked by my vehicle in the sidewalk. That is why, I think that it is best to have a parking area for motorbikes. In this way, it will be a win-win situation for motorbike owners and the school community. It is also in this way that motorbikes won’t be a hindrance to those people who consistently use the sidewalk. Like all other motorbike owners in the school, I am one of those who wish to have a parking area for motorbikes.

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