UP Fine Arts holds koi-yaw exhibit

By Dhen Generalao

Different designs of koi fishes carefully crafted out of rattan
Fish sculptures of gigantic sizes were on display at the Level 3, Paseo Marina of the Ayala Center Cebu last June 15 to June 30.   

The Koi-Yaw Exhibit showcased koi sculptures made out of rattan by third year product design students of the University of the Philippines (UP) Cebu.

The framework of the fishs body and its weaving is done by attaching one side of the rattan to the other side.

Second year fine arts student Issa Cancio describes the tedious process in coming up with the structures especially in hand weaving the hard rattan.

We used a special glue called Grecoto and if the glue stuck to our clothes it would damage and tear it apart,” she said recalling the months of wearing ragged clothes in order to finish the product.

According to Cacnio bending the hard rattan using a torch was the hardest process of all.

The class under the advisory of Aya Ng divided themselves into two groups to carry out the project which took them two months to complete.

Shari Paclipan, a third year product design student said the exhibit brought recognition to the fine arts program.

We invested much time, money, and effort to take the project into completion, she said.

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