Woman, It’s Your Fault

By Olesa Arellano

Did you know that there are a number of reasons why women are to blame for being raped?

Firstly, because of the way you dress. It’s not their fault that men have eyes. They are meant to see things. The things they like.

Second, because you expose yourself to the outside world by working. Why be independent and make a living for yourself? Stay at home. That’s what women ought to do.

Third, it’s human nature. Men have a natural urge to satisfy their needs, especially their sexual needs. So, don’t bother complaining if you get raped because it’s the law of nature.

So behave, girl. You must adjust to the standards of society because you are completely and solely at fault if ever you get raped!

But, of course, I’m just kidding.

Rape is considered the most underreported violent crime, according to the American Medical Association. The United States Bureau of Justice even estimates that 91% of rape victims are female with 99% of the offenders being male. That was in the year 1999.

In the defense of these rapists, they blame the women for dressing and acting provocatively. If that’s the case, will dressing decently keep us from getting raped?

You see, all women are always at high risk. However they may act or choose whatever they want to wear.

You may have heard stories of Trevor Gray who raped a 43-year-old woman in her own home in U.K. 

There’s also Aileen Wuornos who was raped repeatedly by her grand father’s best friend. Even a defenseless 88-year-old grandmother was almost raped by a 15-year-old boy in Australia.

Now, whose fault is that?

Blame media, blame society, but stop blaming the victim.

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