UPelikula to accept entries outside UP

From being a school based competition UPelikula will expand to an interschool competition giving way for students from different universities in Cebu to expose their talents in film making.

We are not only giving UPians the chance to show their talents but we are also extending our invitation to students in other schools” said second year mass communication student Julie Bedas.

UPelikula is a film festival that aims aims to promote Filipino culture by raising awareness among viewers about social change and development through films.

 The competition accepts entries of short films, creatives, five-minute music videos, animation, and documentaries presented in free-form or with a social issue theme.

According to CommUP chairperson Jezrelle Rasonabe the film festival gives film enthusiasts an avenue to cultivate their talents.

UPelikula is organized not just to give an opportunity for aspiring film makers but also gives opportunity for students to learn. It will showcase talents of young minds,” said Rasonabe.

The film festival is organized by the officers of the Communicators of UP (CommUP) and second year mass communication students.

According UPelikula coordinator Ulysses Sison, preparations for the film festival are still underway as invitation letters for schools are still pending to assure a 50 percent security of funding and guarantee from the administration in pushing through with the event.

In line with the celebration of the Mass Communication week the film festival is slated among the activities to be conducted this February.

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