Serial Plagiarist

As the saying goes, with an artist, it’s not about what and how you stole it, it’s about what you did with what you stole.

University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman alumnus Mark Joseph Solis made it to the tabloids after being caught submitting a stolen photo in an international contest and won first place.

The photo portrayed a boy with seaweed on his hair as a kid from Zamboanga who helps his father farm seaweed. Smith claimed the photo was taken in 2006 while the boy was playing with seaweed at the beaches of Brazil.

Solis won $1000 and a chance to travel abroad from the Chilean Embassy’s Calidad Humana Photo Essay Competition by submitting a photo from Gregory John Smith’s Flickr account.

Gregory Smith, owner of the photo, expressed his outrage by posting a comment on a feature article of the Chilean ambassador Roberto Mayorga saying that he has “awarded the first prize to an imposter who has abused my copyright.”

According to, this wasn’t the first time Solis has entered a contest using someone else’s photos. Solis also used Smith’s photo for the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation contest, this time claiming the boy was from India.

Solis also entered 3 stolen photos from Flickr accounts to a sustainable development photo contest hosted by a European Union company called VinylPlus.

If a person who kills three or more people over a period of time is called a serial killer, then Solis who plagiarized more than three times can be called a ‘serial plagiarist.’

UP President Alfredo Pascual issued a statement on the Solis issue, stating that he shares the outrage felt by everyone and has instructed a fact-finding committee to investigate on what happened and to recommend measures to be taken to ensure that justice is served.

Even as Solis has habitually committed plagiarism, UP has done the right thing in handling the issue by due process. It is a demonstration that UP is willing to be humane and just to a ‘serial plagiarist’ who has marred the reputation of honor and excellence

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