Shake the stress away

By Christine Estrella

It’s that time of the semester again when your academic calendar is filled up to the brim with piles of school papers and examinations which means no sleep equals under eye bags that seem to carry all the weight of the stress. But before the hectic hell week could take over your schedule come armed and ready brace yourselves with stress free tips to breeze you through midterm heydays. 
  1.      .  Plan ahead

    Set your priorities and make a to do list jot down things to accomplish in that way there’s no excuse for forgetting to turn in that Soc Sci reaction paper. Time management is all it takes to get you in full throttle. Planning avoids disorganization to an already jam packed schedule up ahead.

    2.       Sleep

    Being in college means having a schedule far from the ideal. Sleep schedule is probably the least of every student’s concern with having countless sleepovers and all nighters to finish a case study. Getting the adequate amount of rest you need makes you feel rejuvenated and refreshed. Whenever you feel like carrying all the stress equipping yourself with the necessary hours for shut eye is all you need to wake up ready for the day.

    3.       Eat

    Managing stress is not only about keeping your mental health in check. Skipping your breakfast in order to catch your classes could prove detrimental to your development. Cut back on your late night fast food binge-ing. Having a healthy and balanced meal can help with handling physical stress as well.

    4.       De-stress and socialize

    When you get too overwhelmed by the amount of tasks you need to finish remind yourself to take a breather and de stress. Relieve yourself by going out with your friends to unwind. Talking and working with your friends may release tension brought about by stress. Know that you’re not alone.

    5.       Put yourself in perspective

    It’s easy to get lost with all the flurry of activity around you but don’t get too caught up with all of it. If you have too much in your hands you may want to cut back for a little while. Always give your best but remind yourself that there’s only so much you can do. When you are faced with

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